BAPC 2008
Technolution ICPC Christiaan Huygens TU Delft


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Outline Intro Schedule Registration Route Organisation

Welcome to the site of the Benelux Algorithm Programming Contest (BAPC) 2008.

This year's BAPC will be held Saturday the 25th of October. Any university or college from the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg can enter the contest with one or more teams. The contest will be held in Delft and will take all day, including drinks and the dinner at the end.

  • NEW (26-10) The final results are in!
    Winner: Prime Suspects, Universiteit Leiden
    2nd place: .uit, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
    3rd place: assert(rank == 1), Universiteit Utrecht

    Best business team: 22-23 Nov: NWERC in Utrecht, Universiteit Utrecht
  • (20-10)Registration for BAPC 2008 is now closed!
  • (14-10) To assure a spot at the BAPC, please sign up before Friday 17th. Registration after this date is possible, but won't guarantee you a spot. If you have any problems signing up, please contact us.
  • (14-10) Unfortunately, we have reached our limit of business teams for this year.